If you’ve been following us, you know about Art House Dallas. If not, let me tell you about them. They are a Dallas/Ft. Worth artist community. Their goal is to cultivate creativity for the common good. They do that by bringing together writers, musicians, visual artists, and those creative at heart through a variety of events throughout the year for encouragement and support.
I have been a part of their visual artist cohort for a few years and we have been dreaming of having a group exhibition nearly that whole time. This year, that dream became a reality.
A few days ago, a small group of us worked together at The Umbrella Gallery in Deep Ellum (Dallas, TX) to install this exhibition featuring the work of 13 fabulous artists, focusing on this year’s Art House Dallas – Origin theme, “On Patience”.
I find this theme and the group of artists involved in this show to be no coincidence. The patience we have endured over the last couple of years has made this exhibition even sweeter.
Each artist brought their own viewpoint to the work and gallery space but it flows in a way that requires introspection to see the connections. What does the subject say about patience? Is the art process an act of patience? Does it speak to the patience God has with us or supplies us to have with others?
It seemed appropriate for me to hang all of my season paintings in this exhibition. The painting titled Spring was created in response to feedback I received in the visual artist cohort. Also, the reference photo I used is of, and taken by, a fellow artist from the group. I did not know that one painting would lead to this mini-series but I am happy that it did.

As I mentioned, this exhibition is focusing on the Origin theme “On Patience”. Each year Art House Dallas has a spiritual formation series that focuses on a topic. There are events and a reader that includes a collection of essays or excerpts from a book, artworks, poems, scriptures and prayers broken into several sessions. We then get together and discuss the content of each session in small groups.
This year’s reader helped inform my paintings of each of the seasons. Each season comes with its own form of patience, but these paintings go even beyond that. They speak of our walk with God and the seasons of our spiritual life. How His work is cyclical and how important our part is, in His plan.
If you would like to read my full Artist Statement for this work you can find it here. While you are there be sure to check out all 13 artists in the show. Including Robert’s lamps. He combined his ceramic with found driftwood and crafted some truly beautiful and functional fine art. (You can catch a glimpse of one of them in the featured image at the top of this page.)